ALWG CH 10 | Trial 3 Central and South America

Objective: Jedis will be able to identify and correctly spell 70% of Central and South America.
  1. Jedi Meditation
  2. Trial 4: Central and South America
  3. Chapter 10
    • Trigger Warning: The paragraph that contains sexual assault has been marked in the chapter. You are not required to read this paragraph. You may choose to skip it. You will not be tested on it and we will not explicitly discuss this exact event in class. If you choose to read it, please read it in the order it appears in the text. To skip ahead to read about the details of real (or fictional) people in a text is gross and concerning. If you choose to read this section and find it brings up emotions you'd like to talk about with Ms. Kelly, you may text or see her at lunch to discuss and process your feelings.
  1. Read 30
  2. Study Africa (Trial 4 11/21-11/22)
  3. Retake Central and South America during lunch by 11/20
  4. Chapter 10
    • Annotate
    • Summarize
    • Complete comprehension questions using the TIEAIEAC model
