Peer Grade & American Voices | Unit 1 Intro

Objective: Jedis will be able to demonstrate mastery of unit vocabulary application in real life on a quiz; peer grade Systemic Racism in Miles Morales and give meaningful feedback for improvement.

1. Jedi Mediation & Journal: CONFIDENCE: Write what this word means to you. How can improve your confidence?
2. Peer Grade and Provide Meaningful feedback for Systemic Racism in Miles Morales
3. Unit 1 American Voices Introduction
4. Define America | Heip Lee Video

1. Read 30
2. Study North America -- Test is 9/26-9/27
3. Finish Unit 1 American Voices Introduction -- Complete every step of the packet.

  • Academic Vocabulary -- Complete worksheet and add to Flashcards (they do not need numbers)
  • Read and annotate Music for My Mother
  • Write a 1 paragraph Summary of Music for My Mother
    • Sample Summary:
      • In the essay Santa Ana, author Joan Didion’s main point is (state main point in 25 words). According to Didion “…passage 1…” (Didion 3). Didion also writes “…passage 2…” (Didion 8). Write a last sentence that “wraps” up your summary; often a simple rephrasing of the main point in 25 different words, do not repeat your first sentence.
