RI Test

Objective: Jedi will have all ELA9 materials and complete the RI test to the best of their ability.
  1. Jedi Meditation & Journaling: Describe how you want your life to look in 5, 10 and 20 years. What role might your ability to read well play in this vision for your future?
  2. Set up desk with:
    • All Binder Materials
    • Personal Reading Book
    • Miles Morales Book
    • Miles Morales Summer Assignment
      • I'm going to check these while you take your RI test.
  3. Pick up laptops by Number
    1. Log in
      1. Username: student email
      2. Password: whatever you put as your password with Mr. Medrano
4. Animo Reading Program

  • 1st book: Pencil
  • 2nd book: Eraser
  • 3rd book: Book of your choice from Amazon < $10

5. Pep Talk!
6. Access the RI test

  1. Go to: sam.greendot.org (Type it in, if you let it auto populate sometimes your log in won't work)
  2. Click on the blue RI icon and Log in 
  3. Username: first initial + first 13 letters of last name + PS ID 
    • Ex. kkelly54367 
    • Password: Greendot4life
5. Finished? Type up your Name Story/Poem.

  • Open this document
  • Log into school email
  • Click "File"
  • Click "Make a Copy"
  • Edit Name of Document as follows: Change # to your period; change last name and first name. Leave the rest.
  • Share document with Kimberlee.Kelly@animo.org
  • In document-- Edit heading so it has your information, but it no longer has the reminders for the heading.
  • Change the title of the assignment to your title
  • Type your Name poem/Story on the next line.

  1. Reading Log Week 2
  2. Miles Morales Summer Work
  3. Type up Name Story/Poem
