Objective: Jedis will be able to begin our "story" together by saying our names and by telling the history of how we came to have them in a story or poem.
- Focus Knowledge, Wisdom | Jedi Meditation (5) & Journaling (5)
- Journal prompt: 5 min timed write: “If how I was feeling right now were a color, I’d feel somewhere between the colors _______ and ______. (And, why?)”
- Go over Supplies List/Communication with Ms. Kelly
- Discussion | The power to name is the power to tell the story.
- Local Place Nameshttps://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me-tongva-map/
- Naming Traditions
- Historic Denial of Names
- The intersection of names and power
- Name and places matter
- Therefore, we must know the names of places, so we can understand the history of people in those places.
- Trial 1: World History Map
- Name Poem Organizer | We are going to look at the way different people wrote about their names. There is no one right way. As we read, collect ideas for your own name piece as we reads models.
- Chavanu's Story, Piercy's poem and Cisneros' piece.
- Let's look at specific lines and details
- How does it feel to read Piercy's poem? What does she do with her name?
- Chavanu's? Cisneros?
- What literary device does Cisneros use in her vignette?
- My Name Sounds Like | Take a trip with your name. Where does it lead you?
- Read & Discussion | Read Other Student Samples and talk about our own name stories.
- Some people mix history, songs, even religions into your poem/story.
- What songs or rhymes go along with your name?
- What stories and memories do you have about your names
- Your Name Work Time | Write about your names as a story or as a poem. You can tell the history of your name or anecdotes connected to your name. You can choose to write about your feelings about your names or nicknames. Be as creative, as playful, as deep, as revealing as you want to be. The only boundary on this assignment is that you must write something about your name, and it cant be an acrostic (The poem where you use the letters of your name and a word that represents you). Be playful. Be outrageous.
Own Your Education | Homework:
- Study World Geography Map
- Test on Monday 8/19/19
- Due Next Class: Communications and Supplies List Parent Signature
- Due Monday 8/19/19: Supplies Checklist and all supplies ready to be verified. If that deadline doesn't work for you, come talk to me, text me, or use the parent signature page to communicate concerns. Extra 10 points for donating needed supplies to our classroom.
- Due Next Class: Finish your name poem or story. Bring it to class. You will get free points just for writing and for sharing. We will share our pieces with the class in a read-around, next class.
Above and Beyond:
- Interview your parent(s) or whomever you live with and find out the story behind their names.
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